// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // http://wowslider.com/ // javascript wow slider is a free software that helps you easily generate delicious // slideshows with gorgeous transition effects, in a few clicks without writing a single line of code. // generated by wow slider 6.1 // //*********************************************** // obfuscated by javascript obfuscator // http://javascript-source.com //*********************************************** jquery.fn.wowslider = function(t) { function e(t) { return v.css({ left: -t + "00%" }) } function n(t) { return ((t || 0) + r) % r } function i(t, e) { ue.pause(t.curindex, e) } function a(t, e) { ue.play(t, 0, e) } function o(t, e, i) { ae || (isnan(t) && (t = y(ee, r)), t = n(t), ee != t && (d ? d.load(t, function() { r(t, e, i) }) : r(t, e, i))) } function s(t) { for (var e = "", n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e += string.fromcharcode(t.charcodeat(n) ^ 1 + (t.length - n) % 32); return e } function r(n, i, a) { if (!ae) { if (i || a) e(n); else { if (ae) return; oe = !1, function(e, n) { se = se >= k.length - 1 ? 0 : se + 1; var i = k[se] || new window.ws_blinds(t, g, n); z(i).trigger("effectstart", { curindex: e, nextindex: n, cont: z(".ws_effect", q), start: function() { ie = !!((n - e + 1) % g.length) ^ t.revers ? 0 : 1, i.go(n, e, ie) } }) } (ee, n), q.trigger(z.event("go", { index: n })) } ee = n, ee != t.stopon || --t.loop || (t.autoplay = 0), t.onstep && t.onstep(n) } } function l() { q.find(".ws_effect").fadeout(200), e(ee).fadein(200).find("img").css({ visibility: "visible" }) } function u(t, e, n, i, a, o) { new c(t, e, n, i, a, o) } function c(e, n, i, a, o, s) { var r, l, u, c, d = 0, f = 0, p = 0; e[0] || (e = z(e)), e.on((n ? "mousedown ": "") + "touchstart", function(e) { var n = e.originalevent.touches ? e.originalevent.touches[0] : e; t.gestures && q.addclass("ws_grabbing"), d = 0, n ? (r = n.pagex, l = n.pagey, f = p = 1, a && (f = p = a(e))) : f = p = 0, e.originalevent.touches || (e.preventdefault(), e.stoppropagation()) }), z(window).on((n ? "mousemove ": "") + "touchmove", e, function(t) { if (f) { var e = t.originalevent.touches ? t.originalevent.touches[0] : t; d = 1, u = e.pagex - r, c = e.pagey - l, i && i(t, u, c), t.preventdefault(), t.stoppropagation() } }), z(window).on((n ? "mouseup ": "") + "touchend", e, function(e) { t.gestures && q.removeclass("ws_grabbing"), f && (d && o && o(e, u, c), !d && s && s(e), d && (e.preventdefault(), e.stoppropagation()), d = 0, f = 0) }), e.on("click", function(t) { p && (t.preventdefault(), t.stoppropagation()), p = 0 }) } function d(t) { var e = t.css("transform"), n = { top: 0, left: 0 }; return e && (e = e.match(/(-?[0-9\.]+)/g), e ? "3d" == e[1] ? (n.left = parsefloat(e[2]) || 0, n.top = parsefloat(e[3]) || 0) : (n.left = parsefloat(e[4]) || 0, n.top = parsefloat(e[5]) || 0) : (n.left = 0, n.top = 0)), n } function f(e, n) { if (we.length && x(e), ye.length && b(e), t.caption && c(e, n), u) { var i = z("a", j.get(e)).get(0); i ? (u.setattribute("href", i.href), u.setattribute("target", i.target), u.style.display = "block") : u.style.display = "none" } t.responsive && o() } function p() { be && (be = 0, settimeout(function() { q.trigger(z.event("stop", {})) }, t.duration)) } function h() { ! be && t.autoplay && (be = 1, q.trigger(z.event("start", {}))) } function m() { g(), p() } function v() { g(), t.autoplay ? (ge = settimeout(function() { xe || o() }, t.delay), h()) : p() } function g() { ge && cleartimeout(ge), ge = null } function w(t, e, n, i) { g(), t.preventdefault(), o(e, n, i), v(), qe && ze && ze.play() } function y() { function e(t) { 0 > t && (t = 0), d && d.loadttip(t), z(f.get(v)).removeclass("ws_overbull"), z(f.get(t)).addclass("ws_overbull"), h.show(); var e = { left: f.get(t).offsetleft - h.width() / 2, "margin-top": f.get(t).offsettop - f.get(0).offsettop + "px", "margin-bottom": -f.get(t).offsettop + f.get(f.length - 1).offsettop + "px" }, n = p.get(t), i = { left: -n.offsetleft + (z(n).outerwidth(!0) - z(n).outerwidth()) / 2 }; 0 > v ? (h.css(e), m.css(i)) : (document.all || (e.opacity = 1), h.stop().animate(e, "fast"), m.stop().animate(i, "fast")), v = t } if (q.find(".ws_bullets a,.ws_thumbs a").click(function(t) { w(t, z(this).index()) }), ye.length) { ye.hover(function() { te = 1 }, function() { te = 0 }); var n = ye.find(">div"); ye.css({ overflow: "hidden" }); var i, a, o, s = q.find(".ws_thumbs"); s.bind("mousemove mouseover", function(e) { if (!o) { cleartimeout(a); for (var s = .2, r = 0; 2 > r; r++) { var l = ye[r ? "width": "height"](), u = n[r ? "width": "height"](), c = l - u; if (0 > c) { var f, p, h = (e[r ? "pagex": "pagey"] - ye.offset()[r ? "left": "top"]) / l; if (i == h) return; i = h; var m = t.support.transform && t.support.transition ? d(n)[r ? "left": "top"] : n.position()[r ? "left": "top"]; if (n.css({ transition: "0ms linear", transform: "translate3d(" + m.left + "px," + m.top + "px,0)" }), n.stop(!0), ee > 0) { if (h > s && 1 - s > h) return; f = .5 > h ? 0 : c - 1, p = ee * math.abs(m - f) / (math.abs(h - .5) - s) } else f = c * math.min(math.max((h - s) / (1 - 2 * s), 0), 1), p = -ee * u / 2; t.support.transform && t.support.transition ? n.css({ transition: p + "ms " + (ee > 0 ? "linear": "ease"), transform: "translate3d(" + (r ? f: 0) + "px," + (r ? 0 : f) + "px,0)" }) : n.animate(r ? { left: f }: { top: f }, p, ee > 0 ? "linear": "easeoutcubic") } else t.support.transform && t.support.transition || n.css(r ? "left": "top", r ? c / 2 : 0) } } }), s.mouseout(function() { a = settimeout(function() { if (n.stop(), t.support.transform && t.support.transition) { var e = d(n); n.css({ transition: "0ms linear", transform: "translate3d(" + e.left + "px," + e.top + "px,0)" }) } }, 100) }), ye.trigger("mousemove"); var r, l; t.gestures && u(q, 1, function(e, i, a) { var o = math.min(math.max(r + i, ye.width() - n.width()), 0), s = math.min(math.max(l + a, ye.height() - n.height()), 0); t.support.transform && t.support.transition ? n.css({ transition: "0ms linear", transform: "translate3d(" + o + "px, " + s + "px,0)" }) : (n.css("left", o), n.css("top", s)) }, function(e) { if (!z(e.target).parents(".ws_thumbs").get(0)) return ! 1; if (o = 1, t.support.transform && t.support.transition) { var i = d(n); r = i.left, l = i.top } else r = parsefloat(n.css("left")) || 0, l = parsefloat(n.css("top")) || 0; return ! 0 }, function() { o = 0 }, function() { o = 0 }), q.find(".ws_thumbs a").each(function(t, e) { u(e, 0, 0, function(t) { return !! z(t.target).parents(".ws_thumbs").get(0) }, function() { o = 1 }, function(t) { w(t, z(e).index()) }) }) } if (we.length) { var c = we.find(">div"), f = z("a", we), p = f.find("img"); if (p.length) { var h = z('
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").appendto(h)); p.appendto(m), z("").appendto(h); var v = -1; f.hover(function() { e(z(this).index()) }); var g; c.hover(function() { g && (cleartimeout(g), g = 0), e(v) }, function() { f.removeclass("ws_overbull"), document.all ? g || (g = settimeout(function() { h.hide(), g = 0 }, 400)) : h.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: "fast", complete: function() { h.hide() } }) }), c.click(function(t) { w(t, z(t.target).index()) }) } } } function b(e) { z("a", ye).each(function(n) { if (n == e) { var i = z(this); if (i.addclass("ws_selthumb"), !te) { var a, o = ye.find(">div"), s = i.position() || {}; if (t.support.transform && t.support.transition) { a = d(o); var r = -math.max(math.min(s.left, -a.left), s.left + i.width() - ye.width()), l = -math.max(math.min(s.top, 0), s.top + i.height() - ye.height()); o.css({ transition: "300ms ease", transform: "translate3d(" + r + "px," + l + "px,0)" }) } else a = o.position() || {}, o.stop(!0).animate({ left: -math.max(math.min(s.left, -a.left), s.left + i.width() - ye.width()), top: -math.max(math.min(s.top, 0), s.top + i.height() - ye.height()) }) } } else z(this).removeclass("ws_selthumb") }) } function x(t) { z("a", we).each(function(e) { e == t ? z(this).addclass("ws_selbull") : z(this).removeclass("ws_selbull") }) } function _(t) { var e = j[t], n = z("img", e).attr("title"), i = z(e).data("descr"); return; n.replace(/\s+/g, "") || (n = ""), (n ? "" + n + "": "") + (i ? "
" + i + "
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").css({ fontsize: "100%", background: "transparent", border: "none", margin: 0, padding: 0 }); t.wrap(o), o = t.parent(), "static" == t.css("position") ? (o.css({ position: "relative" }), t.css({ position: "relative" })) : (z.extend(a, { position: t.css("position"), zindex: t.css("z-index") }), t.css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, right: "auto", bottom: "auto" })), o.css(a).show(); var s = e.direction || "left", r = "up" == s || "down" == s ? "top": "left", l = "up" == s || "left" == s, u = e.distance || ("top" == r ? t.outerheight(!0) : t.outerwidth(!0)); t.css(r, l ? isnan(u) ? "-" + u: -u: u); var c = {}; c[r] = (l ? "+=": "-=") + u, o.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: e.duration, easing: e.easing }), t.animate(c, { queue: !1, duration: e.duration, easing: e.easing, complete: function() { t.css(n), t.parent().replacewith(t), e.complete && e.complete() } }) } function p(t, e, n) { var i = 1 * new date, a = function() { var o = (1 * new date - i) / e; o >= 1 ? (t(1), cancelanimationframe(a), n && n()) : (t(o), requestanimationframe(a)) }; a() } function k(e, n, i, a, o, s) { function r(e, n) { return e.css(t.support.transform ? { transform: "translate3d(" + n + "px,0px,0px)" }: { marginleft: n }) } var l = 15, u = 5, c = q.width(); if (l *= c / 100, u *= c / 100, i == a) r(e, u).fadein(o / 3), r(z(">div,>span", e), 0).css("display", "inline-block"); else { var d = z(">div", e).css("display", "inline-block"), f = z(">div", n).css("display", "inline-block"), p = z(">span", e), h = z(">span", n), m = l + c * (s ? -1 : 1), v = u, g = u, w = l + c * (s ? 1 : -1), y = (s ? -1 : 1) * l, b = 0; r(e, m).show(), r(n, g).show(), r(d, y), r(f, b), r(p, 2 * y), r(h, b), p(function(t) { t = z.easing.swing(t), r(e, (1 - t) * m + t * v), r(n, (1 - t) * g + t * w) }, t.duration); var x = .8; p(function(t) { t *= x, r(p, 2 * (1 - t) * y + t * b), r(d, (1 - t) * y + t * b), r(h, (1 - t) * b + -2 * t * y), r(f, (1 - t) * b + t * -y) }, t.duration, function() { p(function(t) { t = z.easing.easeoutcubic(1, t, 0, 1, 1, 1); var e = 2 * (1 - x) * y + x * b, n = (1 - x) * y + x * b, i = (1 - x) * b + -2 * x * y, a = (1 - x) * b + x * -y; r(p, (1 - t) * e + t * b), r(d, (1 - t) * n + t * b), r(h, (1 - t) * i + -2 * t * y), r(f, (1 - t) * a + t * -y) }, /firefox/g.test($) ? 1500 : t.delay) }) } } function a() { return !! document[re.fullscreenelement] } function i() { a() ? document[re.exitfullscreen]() : we[0][re.requestfullscreen]() } function o() { var e = je ? 4 : t.responsive, n = q.width() || t.width, i = z([g, h.find("img"), q.find("img")]); if (e > 0 && document.addeventlistener && q.css("fontsize", math.max(10 * math.min(n / t.width || 1, 1), 6)), 2 > e && (q.css("height", ""), i.each(function() { z(this).css({ width: "100%", height: "auto", margintop: 0, marginleft: 0 }) })), 2 == e) { var a = n / t.width - 1, o = t.height * (1 + a); q.css("height", o), i.each(function() { z(this).css({ width: "100%", height: "auto", margintop: 0, marginleft: 0 }) }) } if (3 == e) { var s = window.innerheight - q.offset().top - 45, r = t.width / t.height, l = r > n / s; q.css("height", s), i.each(function() { z(this).css({ width: l ? "auto": "100%", height: l ? "100%": "auto", marginleft: l ? (n - s * r) / 2 : 0, margintop: l ? 0 : (s - n / r) / 2 }) }) } if (4 == e) { var u = window.innerwidth, c = window.innerheight, r = t.width / t.height, d = r > u / c; q.css({ maxwidth: d ? "100%": r * c, height: "", top: d ? (c - u / r) / 2 : 0 }), i.each(function() { z(this).css({ width: "100%", marginleft: 0, margintop: 0 }) }) } else q.css({ maxwidth: "", top: "" }) } var z = jquery, q = this, l = q.get(0); t = z.extend({ effect: function() { this.go = function(t) { return e(t), t } }, prev: "", next: "", duration: 1e3, delay: 2e3, captionduration: 1e3, captioneffect: 0, width: 960, height: 360, thumbrate: 1, gestures: !0, caption: !0, controls: !0, autoplay: !0, autoplayvideo: !1, responsive: 1, support: jquery.fn.wowslider.support, stoponhover: 0, preventcopy: 1 }, t); var n = z(".ws_images", q), v = n.find("ul").css("width", "100%").wrap("
").parent(); q.wrap("
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").addclass("ws_swipe_right").css(w).appendto(v), $ = navigator.useragent; if (/msie/.test($) || /trident/.test($) || /safari/.test($) || /firefox/.test($)) { var b = math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10e * math.log(r))); v.css({ width: b + "00%" }), j.css({ width: 100 / b + "%" }), h.css({ width: 100 / b + "%", left: -100 / b + "%" }), q.css({ width: 100 / b + "%", left: 100 * r / b + "%" }) } else v.css({ width: r + "00%", display: "table" }), j.css({ display: "table-cell", "float": "none", width: "auto" }), h.css({ width: 100 / r + "%", left: -100 / r + "%" }), q.css({ width: 100 / r + "%", left: "100%" }); var y = t.onbeforestep || function(t) { return t + 1 }; t.startslide = n(isnan(t.startslide) ? y( - 1, r) : t.startslide), d && d.load(t.startslide, function() {}), e(t.startslide); var x, u; t.preventcopy && !/iphone/.test(navigator.platform) && (x = z('
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